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Madukani, Tanzania.

Face painted Maasai boys in black clothes for the circumcision ceremony.

Circumcision ceremony is the most vital initiation of all rite of passages in the Maasai society. Both men and women of the Maasai society are traditionally eager to undergo through circumcision. This initiation is performed shortly after puberty.



  • Véro Ashanti says:

    Bravo !!

  • ɴʋʙiѵɑgɑɳt_ says:

    Oh giant opportunity!
    Magnificent portrait!

  • Thomas Weiler says:

    Great picture!!

  • Feej says:

    This is wonderfull that expression. and thanks for checking out my page. Realy enjoy your work . Feej x

  • Andreas Jopp says:

    Nice contrast with the face painting!

  • Patty Michaud says:

    Great photo. I have not seen the black and white face painting.
    I was at a ceremony for the same topic, except they had just been circumcised. And when they asked ever so politely if we have any questions at the end of their performance,
    I thought of my poor husband sitting beside me and here I go again. I made a commotion when I raised my hand and asked a question. I congratulated the men on their bravery then I asked them to tell us about female circumcision. I heard the crowd just sigh like I had ruined the show. The boys told me (and the crowd) that it was going to banned in Tanzania within the year. (that was 4 years ago.) and hopefully, Tanzania has made a big difference. I have been a V.P. of three international brokerage firms. I vowed when I was 20 years old to never ignore slurs against women and I have always responded. By the way, I have NEVER experienced anything wrong as a successful lady but did as a young woman trying to get a start in the business.
    again, beautiful photo. It shows the boys apprehension.

  • Isabelle Chauvel says:

    Amazing!!!!!! Excellent!!

  • Sal Patalano says:

    Wonderful gallery… Beautiful images! Congrats!!

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